- All
- // no.01
- // no.02
- // no.03
- // no.04
- // no.05
- // no.06
- // no.07
- // no.08
- // no.09
- // no.10
- // no.11
- // no.12
- // no.13
- // no.14
- // no.15
- //no.15
- A.M.
- Alex
- Alexx
- Alice
- Alice M
- Alicja
- Amira
- Amy
- Andi
- Andrea U
- Becky
- Beverley
- Bipolar Abdul
- Bria
- Carolina
- Caroline
- Cathy
- Cerowyn
- Chloé
- Christine
- Cinenoir
- Constanze
- Dorothy
- Eliza
- Ellen
- Emi
- Emilie
- Emma
- Eugénie
- Fern
- Francis
- Freyja
- Genesia
- Gervaise
- Gözde
- Hannah
- Ivvy
- Ivy
- Izy
- Jacqueline
- Jade
- Jayna
- Jennifer
- Jessica
- Jessica B
- Joanne
- Judy
- Julia
- Kaitlin
- Kate
- Kate Ng
- Katie
- Kenny
- Laura
- Lena
- Lena B
- Lila
- Lily
- Lisa
- Liv
- Liz
- Lou Fox
- Lucy
- Maddy
- Manisha
- Margarita
- Mary & Lily
- Nanou
- Naomi
- Naomi C.
- Naomi N.
- Natalie
- Nicole
- Noemi
- Olivia
- Olivia W
- Paula
- Pauline
- Périne
- Rachel
- Rachel G
- Rachel W
- Radella
- Rebecca
- Rebecca G
- Roisin
- Rosé
- Rosie
- Roz
- Ruby
- Sam
- Sarah
- Seema
- Sophie
- Sophs
- Stephanie
- Sue
- Tanushree
- Tasha
- Tina
- Val
- Victoria
- Vida
- Vlada
- Zoë
- All
- // no.01
- // no.02
- // no.03
- // no.04
- // no.05
- // no.06
- // no.07
- // no.08
- // no.09
- // no.10
- // no.11
- // no.12
- // no.13
- // no.14
- // no.15
- //no.15
- A.M.
- Alex
- Alexx
- Alice
- Alice M
- Alicja
- Amira
- Amy
- Andi
- Andrea U
- Becky
- Beverley
- Bipolar Abdul
- Bria
- Carolina
- Caroline
- Cathy
- Cerowyn
- Chloé
- Christine
- Cinenoir
- Constanze
- Dorothy
- Eliza
- Ellen
- Emi
- Emilie
- Emma
- Eugénie
- Fern
- Francis
- Freyja
- Genesia
- Gervaise
- Gözde
- Hannah
- Ivvy
- Ivy
- Izy
- Jacqueline
- Jade
- Jayna
- Jennifer
- Jessica
- Jessica B
- Joanne
- Judy
- Julia
- Kaitlin
- Kate
- Kate Ng
- Katie
- Kenny
- Laura
- Lena
- Lena B
- Lila
- Lily
- Lisa
- Liv
- Liz
- Lou Fox
- Lucy
- Maddy
- Manisha
- Margarita
- Mary & Lily
- Nanou
- Naomi
- Naomi C.
- Naomi N.
- Natalie
- Nicole
- Noemi
- Olivia
- Olivia W
- Paula
- Pauline
- Périne
- Rachel
- Rachel G
- Rachel W
- Radella
- Rebecca
- Rebecca G
- Roisin
- Rosé
- Rosie
- Roz
- Ruby
- Sam
- Sarah
- Seema
- Sophie
- Sophs
- Stephanie
- Sue
- Tanushree
- Tasha
- Tina
- Val
- Victoria
- Vida
- Vlada
- Zoë

___Internalised misogyny and finding my femininity

Type 1 diabetes is a chronic disease that requires at least five insulin injections a day, or if you're lucky like me, being constantly plugged into an insulin pump. The most basic level of diabetes care means I have to weigh all my food, do some maths and then inject the appropriate amount of insulin to counteract the carbohydrates I'm eating.

When translated from Sanskrit, my name means 'bringer of victory'. It's powerful and empowering, giving me strength when I feel weak and pride when I succeed. But it also speaks to a line that I tread every day of my life: just Indian enough to evoke my heritage, but not so different from the English 'Jane' to be prohibitively different.

___Queerly Autistic and Autistically Queer
I'm Autistic. The A-word. Capital' A' Autistic. No, I'm not good at science, and I won't even begin with how poor I am at maths. I can't predict how a game of Blackjack is going to turn out: if I could, I wouldn't be stuck with nearly this much in student-loans. I'm also Queer, in many senses of the word.

The words I used to define myself are many and varied: Radiation protection scientist, principal investigator, researcher. Leader, manager, colleague. Wife, mother, lover. Vegan, runner. A non-drinker (just now). Extrovert. Good intentions, kind, easily riled. Not great at recycling, but trying. Happy, some of the time.

___A Journal on Self-Love, A Note to my Sister
My journey to self-love only started a few years ago. I can remember the exact moment, the phone call, like it was yesterday. I was at work- as a waitress- on a split shift prepping for the evening dinner rush. What should have been a usual catch up became 22 years old me listening to my 18-year-old sister cry and plead that she needed help because she had developed anorexia. And while I didn't know it then, that's the exact moment the journey started, because in having to teach Natalie to love herself, I had to teach myself how to love me.