I just want to love myself - theunderargument.com

___I just want to love myself

I'm tired of looking in the mirror and feeling like a monster. It all started when I was a child; my mother always controlled my food, telling me I was fat and had to take better care of myself. She suffered a lot from being overweight and did not want me to go through the same thing. I remember her saying to me: "You are quite fat for your age."

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Being vulnerable, strong and free - theunderargument.com

___Being vulnerable, strong and free

It took me a while to learn to be vulnerable, both with myself and others. Being raised in a society where being a woman meant being weak, subservient, or emotional, and being a man meant being strong, dominant, or unemotional. To be seen, you had to be a man or be like a man.

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My journey to sexual power - theunderargument.com

___My journey to sexual power

From food issues, depression and self-loathing in my twenties to healthy weight, sexual power and body love in my thirties. Today I feel blessed. My relationship with my body, sexuality, and self-confidence is the best it’s ever been. I’m so sexy, so beautiful, so healthy, and so not ashamed to acknowledge and believe this about myself. But I didn’t always feel this way.

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Living with anorgasmia - theunderargument.com

___Living with anorgasmia

I have primary anorgasmia, which means I've never had an orgasm with a partner or on my own. I find it very hard to relax and remain present and in touch with my body while having sex.

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Going solo & focusing on my desires - theunderargument.com

___Going solo & focusing on my desires

I clearly remember my very first orgasm. I was two years old. Of course, I didn't know what it was then; I just knew it felt good to rub up against the CD player. It felt good. So much in my life while I was growing up did not.

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Finding a more intimate, softer kind of love - theunderargument.com

___Finding a more intimate, softer kind of love

People always ask; when did you know? They tend to assume when you 'come out' in your early twenties that you spent the rest of your life up until that point, blissfully unaware of your sexuality. They tend to think, just because you appeared to be straight your entire teenage life and quite successfully so, with a string of long-term relationships with the opposite sex, that you simply woke up one morning and thought; hey, maybe I like girls now?! 

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Becoming the woman I am - theunderargument.com

___Becoming the woman I am

How does my body define my identity? Or is it more subtle than that? I didn't like my body for many years – I never felt comfortable with it, but I guess many people feel the same. 

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Self-love is my journey - theunderargument.com

___Self-love is my journey

I don't know how it happened or when it exactly happened. Was there a particular moment that sent me down this path, or did I slip into it gradually? I have flashes of memories of random events; As the youngest child often dismissed by everyone, In tears, asking my mum if she thinks I am pretty and her reply: 'You are just average.'

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My body is NOT a machine - theunderargument.com

___My body is NOT a machine

Type 1 diabetes is a chronic disease that requires at least five insulin injections a day, or if you're lucky like me, being constantly plugged into an insulin pump. The most basic level of diabetes care means I have to weigh all my food, do some maths and then inject the appropriate amount of insulin to counteract the carbohydrates I'm eating. 

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Becoming Bipolar Abdul - theunderargument.com

___Becoming Bipolar Abdul

As a child I never felt girlie. I was a tomboy. I was called frumpy and boyish. I always felt like an outsider; whether I immersed myself in the company of boys or girls, I didn't fit. It was an ever-present fog in my life, and puberty just made it more challenging.

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